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I want you to finally have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve. And the joy that comes from accepting where your weight lands as a result of this.
In this post, we’ll explore how to reframe your relationship with sweat, break free from societal pressure, and approach movement in an empowering, body-positive way.
In this post, we’ll explore how to reframe your relationship with sweat, break free from societal pressure, and approach movement in an empowering, body-positive way.
In this post, we’ll explore how to reframe your relationship with sweat, break free from societal pressure, and approach movement in an empowering, body-positive way.
Let’s talk about how exercise fits into intuitive eating! What comes to mind when you hear the word “exercise?” The truth is, most of us existing in diet culture have a distorted view of exercise. Diet culture tells us: Exercise to burn calories and lose weight. (pssst…that’s actually not now it works!) The more intense […]
I have encountered multiple instances over this past week of schools inadvertantly harming their students. The sad thing is that the harm occurred while they were attempting to help. Well, it didn't help, it actually hurt. Examples of harmful things schools are doing: BMI report cards Presentations about eating disorders that basically become a "how […]
I got an ad in the mail today for a gym, promising results (i.e. weight loss) for anyone who would join. Here's what you're really getting with your membership: A shaming "health" assessment where you are told your BMI, body fat % and other nonsensical numbers that make you feel like crap. A restrictive diet from […]
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Discover these surprisingly simple ways to ease into intuitive eating, so that you can stop stressing about your eating (and your weight), and have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve.