work with katy


get started

The first session is a 1-hour assessment of your concerns, a thorough history of your relationship with food and your body, and discussion of your goals. In subsequent 30-minute sessions I will continue to explore and help guide you through your eating and body image issues.  

Individual video or phone coaching sessions

1:1 Virtual Sessions

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I teach you step-by-step how to make peace with your body through intuitive eating, joyful movement and radical self-love.

self-paced options

Digital Courses

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Full or half day workshops
Individual or group case consultation


Training & Consultation

past presentations

 If you have a topic in mind, I am happy to work with that. Otherwise, we will have a phone consult where I can get a feel for what topic will work well and can give a few of suggestions. Then I’ll get to work custom-creating your presentation! 


Speaking Engagements

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training & engagements

Diabetes, PCOS and Blood Sugar Issues

Bariatric Surgery & Relationship with Food

Exercise Issues

Poor Body Image

Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Chronic Dieting

Binge Eating Disorder

Conditions I treat

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is NOT a lack of discipline or willpower. It is a disease in which a person loses control with food and overeats, often to the point of significant physical discomfort. The episodes of eating are followed by feelings of guilt and shame. Despite being the most prevalent eating disorder, BED is very misunderstood by the general public and, sadly, the medical community. Effective treatment is available. I can help you to stop binge eating and find peace within yourself.

Chronic dieting, sometimes called “yo-yo” dieting, is a type of disordered eating in which a person perpetually goes on diet after diet, trying to find a solution to their eating problems. Sufferers often experience weight loss, followed by regain, over and over again. Many times they regian more than they lost, causing their weight to trend upward over time. It is incredibly mentally defeating. Get yourself off this rollercoaster and learn how to eat both healthfully and normally for good. Imagine how different life would be if you never had to diet again!

Chronic Dieting

Bulimia is when a person binges on food and then purges to “get rid” of it. The bingeing can be on any amount of food - the key characteristic is that the person feels out of control when they ate. And purging is any method of trying to eliminate the calories, and can include vomiting, exercise, laxatives, and diuretics. Often the person has a negative body image and fears that the food they consume will cause weight gain, hence the desire to counteract the bingeing by purging the calories. 

Bulimia Nervosa

Anorexia is when a person limits their food intake in order to maintain a weight that is so low for their body that it is unhealthy. While the media has portrayed it as the person always looking skeletal in appearance, anorexia can actually happen at any weight, because it’s all relative to a person’s genetically determined set-point weight. Anorexia often results in many medical complications, and is the deadliest of all mental illnesses.

Anorexia Nervosa

We live in a world that is very focused on weight and body shape, and many people suffer from negative feelings about their body because of this. Poor body image can lead to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and poor quality of life. You deserve to live a richer and fuller life and to feel better about yourself. It is possible to heal your body image without having to actually change your body. 

Poor Body Image

This includes over-exercising and exercise avoidance.

In our world of extremes, we tend to see people at one extreme or another with exercise. Some people overdo it, either in amount of exercise or intensity (sometimes both). Other people avoid exercise entirely due to things like shame, negative past experiences with exercise, pain in their body, and simply not enjoying it. For chronic dieters, exercise tends to coincide with being on a diet, and stops when the person is off their diet. I can help you find ways to move your body that are both enjoyable and that enhance the quality of your life, rather than exercise being a chore or something you “have to” to in order to feel good about yourself. 

Exercise Issues

This includes both pre- and post- bariatric surgery.

The number of bariatric surgeries performed each year has skyrocketed. Research shows that a large percentage of people seeking bariatric surgery actually have an eating disorder, and that many more have sub-clinical eating disorders. For bariatric surgery to be safe and effective, it is essential that you work on your relationship with food and with your body. I have worked with many individuals for whom bariatric surgery “failed” them and they regained some or all of the weight they lost, or they never lost much weight in the first place -- all because their underlying issues with food were never addressed. People having surgery often have a long history of dieting, chronic health conditions and pain, and negative body image. Improving your quality of life means looking at all of these factors, plus your relationship with food.  

Bariatric Surgery & Relationship with Food

For PCOS, Pre-Diabetes, Diabetes

Insulin resistance is when the body can’t properly regulate its blood sugar. Learning how to manage your blood sugar is a complex task, because of the many things that impact it on a daily basis, including things like food, sleep, stress, medications, and exercise. Many people who struggle with their eating actually have insulin resistance and don’t even know it yet. I love helping people discover what works best for their body when it comes to blood sugar; it’s actually a really fun experiment. There are no rigid rules, and there is no diet that you have to stick to -- it’s all about a customized approach that works for YOU. 

Diabetes, PCOS and Blood Sugar Issues

send it my way!

Discover these surprisingly simple ways to ease into intuitive eating, so that you can stop stressing about your eating (and your weight), and have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve.

Proven Strategies to Transform Your Relationship With Food

free guide