

Imagine discovering that your body holds a wealth of wisdom and guidance, waiting for you to turn inward and get curious.

Episode 165: Your Body Image Doesn’t Have to Suck Forever

It’s natural to feel emotions like jealousy or frustration when seeing someone else lose weight, especially if you’ve shared similar struggles. These feelings are valid, and with the right mindset, they won’t derail your own journey toward body acceptance and peace with food.

How to Handle Jealousy, Anger, and Triggers Around Other People’s Weight Loss

The key is to approach these feelings with curiosity, rather than judgment, and to shift from comparison to connection. The episode offers practical advice on staying grounded in your own journey with food and body acceptance, reminding you that you don’t need to follow societal standards of thinness or diet culture.

Ep. 156: How to Handle Feeling Triggered By Seeing People Who Have Lost Weight

Ep.156 (Transcript): How to Handle Feeling Triggered By Seeing People Who Have Lost Weight

How to Build a Sustainable Exercise Routine Without Focusing on Weight Loss

Ep. 153: The 10k Steps Per Day Myth

Ep.153 (Transcript): The 10k Steps Per Day Myth (And How to Overcome Your Block Against Exercise)

Find peace with food, and within yousrelf

I’ve learned that most of the world around us doesn’t “get it” when it comes to having a healthy relationship with food. Even health professionals like doctors and other dietitians often give misguided advice, making health and recovery a challenge.  

I love helping people uncover what it is about their bodies and about their eating that they are struggling with, and help them heal - using a non-diet approach. 

"non-diet" dietitian and expert on eating disorders & body image issues

Meet  Katy!

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