Helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

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I want you to finally have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve. And the joy that comes from accepting where your weight lands as a result of this.

How to Handle Weight Gain (or the fear of it) with Intuitive Eating

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These insights center around Principle 3 from the book Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, which emphasizes making peace with food. You can’t eat intuitively without achieving peace with food, and there are a few crucial aspects to this principle that will significantly impact your journey toward freedom and peace with food.

What I Wish I Had Known: 3 Key Insights for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

Eating Habits

It’s easy to feel adrift when the framework you’re working with—intuitive eating—lacks rigid rules and guidelines. The absence of a structured path can sometimes leave you feeling like you’re treading water without making progress.

Feeling Lost with Intuitive Eating? How to Refocus and Get Back on Track


Feeling lost or stuck with intuitive eating? It’s a common experience when the framework lacks rigid rules and structured guidelines. In this episode of Rebuilding Trust With Your Body, I’m diving into how to refocus your intuitive eating practice using Principle 6 from Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch’s book, Intuitive Eating. This principle, “Discover the Satisfaction Factor,” can serve as a guiding star to help you regain direction and clarity.

How to Refocus if You Feel Lost or Stuck With Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating

With all the conflicting advice about their impact on weight and health, it’s understandable to feel a bit confused. Let’s untangle some myths and uncover the truth about this essential nutrient. In this blog post, we’ll explore what carbs actually do for our bodies and why they’re crucial for overall health. By the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of why carbs play such an important role in a balanced diet.

Why Carbs Are Essential for Your Health and Intuitive Eating Journey

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Imagine powering your day with nature’s most essential energy source! Meet carbohydrates—those marvelous molecules also known as saccharides, made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These delightful compounds come in three varieties: sugars, starch, and cellulose, each playing a vital role in keeping our bodies healthy and vibrant. Carbs do more than just fuel our energy; they boost our immune system, aid digestion, and maintain the balance of our gut microbiome. In short, carbohydrates are key to our overall well-being!

The Vital Role of Carbohydrates in Your Health and Intuitive Eating Path

Eating Habits

You know that moment when you’re eating, and you realize you are comfortably full and satisfied, but there are only a couple of bites of food left on your plate, and you think, “I might as well finish it.” 

Perhaps you’ve been at an expensive restaurant, and the food is so good, and you’re full, but you want to keep eating because it won’t be as delicious as leftovers, and heck, you paid good money for it.

From Fear to Freedom: Embracing Intuitive Eating and Sustainable Food Practices

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Discover these surprisingly simple ways to ease into intuitive eating, so that you can stop stressing about your eating (and your weight), and have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve.

Proven Strategies to Transform Your Relationship With Food

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