Helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

The Blog

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I want you to finally have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve. And the joy that comes from accepting where your weight lands as a result of this.

How to Handle Weight Gain (or the fear of it) with Intuitive Eating

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The key to helping someone get un-stuck and make progress is to figure out WHY they’re not making progress and to be genuinely curious about that (not judgmental).

What I’d Say to a Client If They’re Not Making Progress

Podcast Episodes

Whether you’re taking a trip and you’re stressed about your body image and you feel really exposed and vulnerable in your shorts or swimsuit, or you’re going through a stressful time with one of your kids or in your marriage, we can still actively choose to notice and savor the good parts of life. 

How to Navigate Your Next Vacation With Food and Body Image: 4 Lessons I Recently Learned

Podcast Episodes

For most of my clients, one of their big fears as we begin our work together is, “What’s going to happen to my weight?” And it makes total sense that this is something that you’re worried about. 

Worried About Your Weight But Sick Of Dieting? This Is For You!

Podcast Episodes

In this podcast episode, I have a special guest. Serena Marie is a fellow non-diet dietitian, and she’s also a sports dietitian, so she has this really cool perspective on how we can combine the world of exercise with food freedom and intuitive eating and it’s SO REFRESHING! Serena’s focus in her work is primarily […]

Food Freedom for Runners and Active People With Serena Marie

Podcast Episodes

Today is going to be a fun and really hands-on episode. In fact, it comes with a worksheet that you’re going to be able to use to do the journaling exercise that I’m going to teach you, so you don’t even need to worry about taking notes.  We’re going to be talking about your self-worth […]

The 5-Minute Journal Exercise to Improve Your Self-Worth and Body Image Starting TODAY

Podcast Episodes

If we set diet culture aside, can these medications be useful for someone who is trying to eat intuitively? Is it even possible to do intuitive eating if you’re taking a medication that messes with your appetite signals? 

Can Ozempic and Other Semaglutide Medications Ever Align With Intuitive Eating?

Podcast Episodes

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Discover these surprisingly simple ways to ease into intuitive eating, so that you can stop stressing about your eating (and your weight), and have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve.

Proven Strategies to Transform Your Relationship With Food

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