Eating Habits

How To Get Back On Track With Intuitive Eating and Food Freedom

September 12, 2024

Self-Paced Course: Non-Diet Academy


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A Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) with a master's degree in dietetics & nutrition. My passion is helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

Meet Katy

Today, I want to share a powerful case study about a client who found peace with her body after decades of dieting and struggling with food. 

I’m sharing her journey with permission, and while I’ve changed some details to protect her privacy, her story reflects many women’s experiences. You might even recognize elements of her journey in your own.

This client’s transformation is something we can all learn from, as it highlights the real shifts in mindset and behavior needed to escape the grip of diet culture and find true health and happiness.

Before Intuitive Eating: Where She Started

When this client first came to me, her relationship with food and her body was in turmoil. She had spent most of her life disliking her body, even from a young age, feeling larger than her peers and self-conscious about her size. Her days were consumed by thoughts about food—calories, portions, and whether she had burned enough through exercise. She treated her body like a math equation, hoping to control it through rigid rules and constant calorie tracking.

Like many people, she had blurred the lines between health, dieting, and weight loss. She believed that restricting food and losing weight was the only path to being healthy. But this mindset wasn’t making her healthier. Instead, it left her feeling exhausted, depressed, and disconnected from her body.

Her Goals: Making Peace With Food

As we began our work together, we clarified her goals. She wanted to feel “normal” around food, to eat well, and stay healthy without the stress of dieting. She still wanted to exercise in a way that felt good rather than like a chore. And yes, she was honest—she still wanted to lose weight. However, we recognized that her desire for weight loss was tied to feelings of self-worth, and there was a lot of untangling that needed to be done.

The Work We Did

Here’s a breakdown of the key strategies we used to help her transform her relationship with food and her body:

1. Untangling Diet Mentality from True Health

She had always equated restrictive eating with better health. However, she realized dieting wasn’t leading her to the vibrant, healthy life she desired. We explored what *true* health looks like and how it aligns with her core values—being well-nourished, enjoying social events without obsessing over calories, and fully participating in life.

2. Understanding Why Dieting Doesn’t Work

One of the biggest breakthroughs was realizing that dieting works against our biology. She felt relieved when she understood how dieting triggers the body’s survival instincts, leading to eventual weight gain. It wasn’t her fault that diets weren’t working—it was the nature of dieting itself. This realization helped her let go of the belief that she needed to try harder or have more willpower.

3. Starting Fresh with Food

We wiped the slate clean and built a new approach to eating based on a framework I call “SCA”—Schedule, Composition, and Amount. This gave her a structure that honored her body’s needs for nourishment and satisfaction without the rigidity of diet rules. She learned to trust her body’s signals for hunger and fullness, which helped her regain confidence in her food choices.

4. Reconnecting with Hunger and Fullness

A critical part of her journey was reconnecting with her body’s natural signals. Dieting had disrupted her ability to recognize hunger and fullness, but after a few weeks of mindful eating, her appetite signals became more reliable. This body trust became the foundation for her to break free from dieting for good.

5. Neutralizing Food Judgments

We also worked on neutralizing her judgments about food. She had to unlearn the “good” and “bad” labels she’d placed on certain foods and instead approach eating with a mindset of abundance and choice. This mindset shift allowed her to enjoy all types of food without guilt, which was key to finding peace with eating.

6. Addressing Body Image Fears

Her self-worth had been deeply tied to her weight and body size. We spent time unpacking these fears and helping her shift towards body acceptance. It wasn’t easy—especially when her weight fluctuated during this process—but by the end, she understood that real health isn’t about the number on the scale. It’s about treating your body with kindness and care, regardless of its size.

7. Meeting Needs Outside of Food

Dieting had become a coping mechanism for unmet emotional needs. We explored the deeper reasons behind her body image struggles, including feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction in her career. By addressing these underlying issues, she was able to move past the need to control her body as a way to feel better about her life.

8. Cultivating Compassion

Finally, we worked on cultivating self-compassion. She learned to be kinder to herself and to accept her body for what it was—an amazing, capable vessel that didn’t need to be changed to be worthy. This compassion extended beyond food and exercise, influencing her overall mental health and well-being.

The Result: Peace with Her Body

By the end of our time together, this client had completely transformed her relationship with food and her body. She no longer felt the need to diet or chase an arbitrary number on the scale. Instead, she felt empowered to take care of her health in ways that aligned with her values—enjoying food, moving her body joyfully, and living a life free from the shackles of diet culture.

Her story is a reminder that true peace with your body comes not from controlling it but from learning to trust it. If you’ve been struggling with your relationship with food and body image, know that change is possible. Just like my client, you can find peace with your body—no dieting required.

My Non-Diet Academy is for you if:

You’re tired of dieting and ready for something different. You want to grab a bag of spicy Doritos without worrying about eating the whole thing in one sitting. Your closet’s full of clothes in every size because of constant weight fluctuations, and getting dressed is a struggle. The scale feels like a life report card, and you’d love to stop letting it control you. You care about food freedom and your health, and you want to feel confident that intuitive eating supports both.

If any of this sounds like you, Non-Diet Academy is the perfect fit. Want to chat about whether it’s right for you? Reach out—there’s no pressure. 

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Search for Episode 129: How to Increase Your Odds of Binge Eating and Gaining Weight

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