Ironic, given that it looks like the eating issue is about the food. But it's not. The eating issue is a symptom of the real issue. What is the real issue?
Here's a litmus test: Ask yourself, "What would I be thinking about if I weren't worried about food/weight/exercise?" If you're truly honest in your answer there's a good chance you're getting to some of the real issues you need to deal with.
Examples of unresolved emotional issues that often manifest as eating problems:
- Trauma – "big T" or "little t" traumas
- Dysfunctional relationships
- Lack of safe/fulfilling social connections
- Fear of experiencing emotions
- Undefined identity or sense of self
- Poor stress management skills
- Undiagnosed or poorly treated psychological disorders (e.g. anxiety, depression, bipolar, etc)
- Perfectionism
- Feelings of lack of control and disempowerment
- Sense of inadequacy
This list could go on infinately. Make your own list and work with a professional counselor/therapist to tackle these issues in a safe and productive way. You'll be amazed at how the eating issues are easier to resolve when the underlying issues are addressed.
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