Podcast Episodes

Unlearning Body Shame and Doing the Work to Heal From Within

October 31, 2023

Self-Paced Course: Non-Diet Academy


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A Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) with a master's degree in dietetics & nutrition. My passion is helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

Meet Katy

Welcome back to another episode of Rebuilding Trust With Your Body, I’m Katy Harvey your host. Today we are going to be talking about body image. This is a theme that comes up over and over again in my clients and students who are working on making peace with food. In fact, it’s almost impossible to work on our relationship with food without also working on body image and exploring the thoughts and beliefs and feelings that we have towards our bodies – because the way we feel about our bodies has such a major impact on how we approach our eating. 

Think about it this way – if you are trying to lose weight, how do you feel about letting yourself eat a piece of cake? You probably feel guilty, right? Because we are told that cake is unhealthy, it’s empty calories, it’s junk…and these judgments and fears about food make us feel like it’s going to cause weight gain or prevent us from losing weight. If we’re wanting to lose weight we might feel like we don’t deserve to eat cake. 

But on the flip side, if you felt totally comfortable with your body, and you weren’t worried about your weight, how would you feel about eating a piece of cake? Probably not as stressed out. There might still be some of that fear about how we’re told cake is “unhealthy” but you’d probably be able to recognize that one piece of cake isn’t going to damage your health. 

You see, the way we feel about our bodies deeply impacts our relationship with food. And unfortunately, the deep body hatred that many of us feel is creating so much dysfunction in the way that we eat that we are stuck in this vicious cycle. 

Today we’re going to work on breaking out of that cycle by going deeper talking about body image. In fact, I’m bringing on an expert in this area to help us explore body image in ways that you might not have done before. Her name is Amanda Mittman, and she’s a fellow dietitian, and the way she talks about body image is so powerful. You’re going to love it. 

Amanda is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Body Image Coach. In addition to owning a group private practice of Registered Dietitians supporting people with disordered eating and eating disorders, Amanda also teaches other providers how to incorporate body image counseling skills into their practice. 

Amanda has worked with hundreds of clients in her career and what she knows is that people, especially women, feel so much shame around their body. And nobody is talking about this! Whether the client is in college, just had a baby or experiencing perimenopause/menopause, the conversation around the distress of a changing body is very similar. 

It is Amanda’s mission for people to talk about this topic without shame, guilt, or sense of failure, and to understand the systemic forces that cause us to feel the way we do about our body.

Go ahead and hit play to listen to my conversation with Amanda!

You can find Amanda and her resources here:

Bitchin’ Body Image Toolkit


IG: @bitchinbodyimagerd

Resources Mentioned in Episode:

Grab My FREE Body Image Journal Prompts

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