

March 6, 2015

Self-Paced Course: Non-Diet Academy


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A Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) with a master's degree in dietetics & nutrition. My passion is helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

Meet Katy

Ever noticed how everyone seems to give up food or drink for Lent?  This is further evidence of our obsession with food, labeling it as good/bad (or even "sinful"), and the desire to restrict it masked under the guise of religiosity. 

Now as a Catholic I understand the intent behind fasting during Lent, so please don't accuse me of ignorance.  I'm just challenging that many of us aren't fasting for the right reasons. 

Plus, remember how awful the post-Easter binge on your restricted food feels?  No?  You forgot?  That's because the story in your head is how wonderful this food will taste when you can eat it again.  And you've now been biologically set up to over-consume it out of deprivation.  It's funny how we forget the aftermath of this type of eating.  Our brain is pretty powerful. 

How about giving up something other than food this year?  My personal favorite is giving up speeding.  It forces me to allow myself adequate time to get places, which is a much more peaceful way to be anyhow.  Other ideas:

  • Swearing
  • Procrastinating
  • Judging others
  • Skipping church
  • TV
  • Music

Or maybe even doing something you don't normally do:

  • Daily prayer
  • Read a spiritual book
  • Volunteer
  • Random acts of kindness
  • Attend an educational event or retreat at your church

Our culture obsesses way too much about food.  We even turn our spiritual practices into a diet.  Let's get back to center and focus on the real intent of the season.  God bless. ~Katy

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  1. Kathy Miller says:

    Awesome Katy! This is so very true. Love your alternative suggestions that may turn into positive habits.