Eating Disorders

Intention and greatness

April 8, 2016

Self-Paced Course: Non-Diet Academy


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A Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) with a master's degree in dietetics & nutrition. My passion is helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

Meet Katy

The real question is, once you know the right thing, do you have the discipline to do the right thing and, equally important, do you have the discipline to stop doing the wrong things?

— Jim Collins, Good to Great


This quote from the great Jim Collins is from his book about why some companies become great while others get stuck at good.  I think it applies to recovery also.  Not in the moral sense that there is a "right" or "wrong" way to recover, but rather in the sense that you have to choose to do the things that help you move forward and stop doing the things that keep you stuck in the eating disorder.

Take the scale as an example.  No matter how reassuring it is in the moment, weighing yourself is almost never going to promote healing.  Instead it perpetuates an obsession with weight and gives the scale emotional leverage over you.

Another example is calorie counting.  Looking up the calories on food, tracking them on My Fitness Pal, choosing from a restaurant menu based on the calorie information – none of this supports intuitive eating.  Instead, it keeps you disconnected from your body and stuck in a pattern of making food decisions based on external information.  

Choosing to stop doing the things that interfere with recovery takes guts and discipline.  It can be really scary to trust that your body will be okay without you monitoring these numbers.  

It also takes courage and discipline to choose to do the things that promote recovery.  Attending appointments with your treatment team, taking medications as prescribed, nourishing your body, getting plenty of rest – these types of things are what will make your recovery "great" instead of "good enough."  

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