Eating Disorders

Heavy Heart

July 17, 2015

Self-Paced Course: Non-Diet Academy


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A Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) with a master's degree in dietetics & nutrition. My passion is helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

Meet Katy

Today my heart is heavy for those struggling with eating disorders as well as their families. This is an awful disease that takes the joy out of life and the life out of the individual. It compromises relationships, health and so many other things.

Some days I wish I could just wrap my arms around all of my clients and let them know that they are seen, heard and loved – the things the eating disorder tells them they are unworthy of.

I set with these individuals every day and listen to their pain. I often carry their pain home with me at the end of the day. Sometimes the hardest thing for me to do is to push against their eating disorder and to potentially cause more suffering by making the ED mad. But I know that this is what it takes for them to recover and to ultimately have the life of happiness that they truly deserve.

So to all of you out there who are suffering: You are not alone. I see your pain, I understand your pain and I wish I could take it away. Don't give up hope. Recovery is possible. It won't be fast, it won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

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