The Chinese bamboo tree doesn't break through the soil until after 4 years after planting. Imagine the patience, persistence, hope and faith required to bring one of these trees to full growth.
It's a lot like the eating disorder recovery process. The journey takes years, and the early years are often a lot of hard work with seemingly little tangible result.
For the individual working towards recovery it can be exhausting, daunting, frustrating and scary. There are also moments of joy that bring glimmers of hope. Hope that recovery is possible and that things will get better.
For the loved ones it can also be a difficult journey. They don't always understand the internal struggle that a person with and eating disorder faces every day. They can only see (and often judge progress by) the individual's appearance and behaviors.
Like the Chinese bamboo tree, most of the initial growth and development in recovery happens below the surface. It can't be seen but must continue to be watered and nurtured.
And when the tree breaks through the surface it soars and shows the world it's majesty.
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