

These holiday weeks can be exhausting and overwhelming, especially for people with eating disorders.  Much has been written on this topic, and instead of reinventing the wheel, I’ll point you to some resources that are speaking to my heart this year: The ED Matters Podcast.  In particular, the episode on 11/21 Episode 61.5 Carolyn Costin: […]

5 inspirational holiday resources for you

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately from clients about how to change their relationship with exercise, and what exercise looks like as part of the recovery process.  It’s a sticky topic, for sure, and I’ve decided to tackle it here today.  Or to at least start the conversation. There’s a lot we don’t […]

Strategies for incorporating exercise in recovery

Imagine that you had a great day in recovery.  Take a minute to close your eyes and imagine how you felt at the end of the day – both physically and emotionally.  Savor that feeling for a moment. What did you feel, and where in your body did you feel it? Perhaps you felt satisfied […]

What does a “great day” look like for you?

Creating your own environment for recovery

Fearing the wrong danger

Why “bad” foods become soothing

3 Ways to Work Smarter (Instead of Harder) in Recovery

Find peace with food, and within yousrelf

I’ve learned that most of the world around us doesn’t “get it” when it comes to having a healthy relationship with food. Even health professionals like doctors and other dietitians often give misguided advice, making health and recovery a challenge.  

I love helping people uncover what it is about their bodies and about their eating that they are struggling with, and help them heal - using a non-diet approach. 

"non-diet" dietitian and expert on eating disorders & body image issues

Meet  Katy!

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