Helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

The Blog

I would be willing to bet money on the fact that your fears about healing your relationship with food fall into these 2 categories: weight gain and health worries. 

How to Embrace Your Fears Around Not Dieting and Cultivate a Healthy Relationship With Food

Podcast Episodes

Let’s keep in mind that one of the biggest myths in our culture is that weight loss happens when we are making healthy choices with our eating and exercise, and therefore we should celebrate and praise weight loss. 

Practical Advice for Overcoming Roadblocks With Food Freedom and Intuitive Eating

Podcast Episodes

Planning and having food options on hand is the key for intuitive eating working well for everyone in the family.

Getting Personal: How I’m Juggling Intuitive Eating and Nutrition as a Mom

Podcast Episodes

According to a Forbes Health poll, the top New Year’s resolutions were: improve mental health, lose weight, improve diet, and improve fitness. 

Why You Don’t Need to Plan on Jumping into a Wellness Routine in the New Year (And What to do Instead)

Podcast Episodes

In this episode I am going to help us (myself included) rethink our approach to exercise during this busy season. My goal is that we can get creative and have fun with it, so that it doesn’t end up just feeling like another chore on your endless to-do list. 

Rethinking Exercise During the Busy Holiday Season

Podcast Episodes

It’s one thing to not say your thoughts out loud about your body or other people’s bodies. It’s another thing to deal with those thoughts that go through our heads all day everyday.

Prevent the Body Shame Spiral Over the Holidays With These 5 Simple Tips

Podcast Episodes

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Discover these surprisingly simple ways to ease into intuitive eating, so that you can stop stressing about your eating (and your weight), and have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve.

Proven Strategies to Transform Your Relationship With Food

free guide