Body Image


June 13, 2016

Self-Paced Course: Non-Diet Academy


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A Certified Eating Disorders Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) with a master's degree in dietetics & nutrition. My passion is helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

Meet Katy

How much screen time did you engage in yesterday?  If you are like most people it was 7-8 hours, involving your phone, computer, tablet, and/or TV.   The impact of mass media cannot be underestimated with that kind of dose.  Let's look at some of the messages we are being indoctrinated with related to body image and physical appearance:

  • Women want to be thin.  If you aren't already thin (and even if you are) you should be trying to get thin(ner).
  • Attractive = thin, youthful
  • The power to be attractive is in your hands by utilizing the right techniques and products.  
  • Put a lot of effort into it, but make it look effortless.  
  • Fat = unattractive, unsuccessful, lazy, gross, disgusting, shameful, lacking willpower
  • Images in the media depict mostly thin women in successful roles – think about it, actresses in your favorite shows/movies, newscasters, reality TV stars…the women who are getting "picked" for these roles are almost exclusively thin.  And the ones who aren't tend to be cast in roles that are mocking their fatness, often making them into caricatures.
  • Thus, our brain perceives thin = normal and achievable. 

I'm not saying you need to put yourself on a screen time diet.  There are many advantages to the power at our fingertips.  I'm just encouraging you to be aware of the brainwashing that is occurring.  The impact of this?  It tends to lead to internalization of the "thin ideal."  It's not hard to see the domino effect here – the thin ideal leading to body dissatisfaction leading to disordered eating.  


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