Welcome back to Rebuilding Trust With Your Body. I’m Katy Harvey – your host. Today on the show we are going to do something fun that I’ve never done here on the podcast before – a flash fire Q&A.
I asked members of my Facebook group, Intuitive Eating Made Easy, what questions they’d like to hear me cover, and I picked some of the top questions that you might be wondering about, too.
We have a really good array of questions on the docket today.
Our first question comes from Victoria.
Question 1: How do you eat mindfully when sharing meals with a toddler and an infant?
And it took me right back to when my kids were toddlers and infants and even right now. So, they’re currently 8 and 5 and mealtime can just be chaos. It’s hard to be mindful with your own eating, and it’s even harder when it’s a toddler and an infant, and you’re having to be so hands-on involved in the act of getting them fed and kind of managing them at the table and so yeah, it’s hard. It’s really hard.
What I will say here first is to just encourage you to keep eating with them. It’s so important as a parent that you are sitting at the table and eating meals with your children, and I don’t just mean eating. Or I don’t just mean sitting there and watching them eat or helping them eat and then eating your meal later. I mean you literally have your plate of food also eating with them because the research shows us that it helps them grow up to be normalized eaters. It helps them become more willing to try a wider variety of foods when they see you eating and so even though it’s really, really hard right now, I promise you it gets easier and it is well worth your time and effort to keep doing it with them.
Be mindful when you can, and so when you’re having meals on your own or snacks on your own and the kids aren’t there use that as an opportunity to be mindful and practice mindful eating. Another thing is utilizing the powerful pause and you can do this even when the kids are there. It’s challenging, but you have to remember to do it, and this is a strategy that I teach my clients. What you’re going to do before you start digging into your food before you start taking bites is, just pause for a moment and take three long slow deep breaths. Just breathe in and out, and we’re going to calm down your nervous system. It’s going to help you be more connected and more dialed into your body and your hunger and fullness cues, and it’s going to help you be more grounded, and this is going to help you.
It’s better to listen to your body when you’re eating versus if you just start eating and shoveling food in your mouth when you can or you know you’re helping the kids and then you’re just eating the leftovers off their plate while you’re cleaning it up because you have to go and help somebody wash their hands or change a diaper or whatever it might be.
And you know what there’s sometimes that that’s what happens that that’s how we get ourselves fed as parents is that we’re just kind of, you know, shoving the food in our mouth when we can that is still self-care if that’s the only way you’re going to get yourself fed in that moment then do it. But if you can, just create a moment to pause or that moment to check in with your body. It will help you to be more aware of your hungerfulness, and again when you have those opportunities where it’s not chaotic or when the kids aren’t there and you’re on your own with your eating, use that as a chance to practice it.
So, um, another resource I will point you to is Ellen Satter. She teaches a concept called the division of responsibility, and it’s all about how to navigate things as a parent. And what’s your role as a parent and what’s the child’s role with their eating and how that evolves through the ages and stages of childhood and how you can help raise them to be intuitive eaters because I think a lot of parents who are working on intuitive eating for themselves.
They assume that the way to do that with kids is to basically let their kids free-range eat, and that’s not that it doesn’t work that way for kids because kids don’t have the cognitive capacity to understand that they need to sit down and have a meal with different food groups. And left to their own devices. They’ll just graze on goldfish and fruit snacks all day, and that’s not intuitive eating for a child. We need to create a structure within which they can practice intuitive eating, and part of that structure includes designated meal and snack times, so dig into her resources. I think that will also be really helpful for you.
The next question comes from Danielle.
Question 2: What are some strategies for managing food sensitivities?
She discovered a salicylate sensitivity and is lactose, fructose, egg intolerant, and allergic to soy. She also has chronic illnesses and finds all of this difficult to do in conjunction with intuitive eating, and yeah, it is really challenging, and at the same time, I want to give you hope that it’s possible.
So, I have a ton of thoughts and strategies that are going to help with this, but the first thing that I would be wondering here is how were these sensitivities diagnosed; a sensitivity is different than an allergy, and so it sounds like soy. You have an allergy diagnosis which is pretty definitive in terms of us being able to diagnose that you know at a doctor’s office. The reason I ask about the sensitivities is because there’s not a definitive test for those, and the testing that’s out there that you can buy, like the test kits online, and some practitioners will do it. It’s usually based on IG testing, and IGG I’ve done a wellness woo on this. It’s not scientifically sound. What it’s actually measuring is just your body responding to the foods that you’re eating and so a lot of times the food you’re eating will show up as sensitivities.
But what it just means is your body is responding to that because it has to because you ate it. It doesn’t mean that you don’t tolerate it. So um. That would be my first question, and I obviously don’t know your full medical history and all of that, but it may be worth revisiting. Um, how accurate are these food sensitivities because my hope for you would be that your diet could be as minimally restricted as possible, and so if some of those food restrictions aren’t actually necessary, then hallelujah, that gives you so much more freedom now if they are then we have to work with that.
Your body is telling us something about what it needs, and I think of that, as well as the chronic illnesses, as signals and feedback from your body and a lot of times with intuitive eating. We think about hunger and fullness as the signal that we’re listening to, right? These are additional signals that we need to factor in. Hunger and fullness are not the only things that tell us what we need to eat or how much we need to eat and we need to factor in this other data as well. So, for example, um with Soy.
Let’s take that as a soy allergy. There may be a food that you’re like oh from an intuitive standpoint I’m hungry that looks good that sounds good. But if it has soy in it then that then it wouldn’t be. Kind toward your body to eat it. I mean it could be, you know, problematic in many ways if you’re going to have an allergic reaction to it that would actually be harmful to your body and so the intuitive thing would be to recognize. Okay, you know that does look good but that is my body. My body can’t handle that that’s going to harm my body So I’m not going to eat that. I’m going to find something else to eat, something else that sounds satisfying and we can work with that in terms of finding foods that you enjoy, food alternatives to things that you might want to eat. That factor in allergies or sensitivities when it comes to chronic illnesses if we use um diabetes as an example, then we can apply gentle nutrition strategies such as pairing protein with your carbohydrates because the protein is going to help. It digests more slowly and you’re not going to get as high of a spike in your blood sugar after you eat so we can apply these strategies through the lens of gentle nutrition without having to label certain foods as bad or unhealthy or off limits.
Now of course things like if you’re allergic to it then it’s kind of off limits but that’s not because of a diet rule or judgment that’s because of a medical thing. That’s very different and the intention is still to honor your hunger to eat foods that are satisfying and that the overall spirit of it is towards giving your body what it needs whereas with dieting it’s about restricting and depriving yourself. So I hope that that helps and gives you some ideas for how to kind of shift your mindset with this.
Question 3: Is gentle nutrition possible when dealing with stress?
Okay, Maggie asks: I feel like gentle nutrition is almost impossible when I’m dealing with a lot of stress. What about those of us who cannot reduce stress at the current moment. So. It’s so challenging and I don’t know exactly what your stressors are. But. Yeah, you know sometimes we go through times in life that are incredibly stressful and the stress itself can make it hard to listen to our bodies because it can disrupt our appetite signaling. It can impact food cravings. It can make it hard even just logistically to do things like planning out. Your meals or getting groceries or cooking. You might not have the time, the energy, the bandwidth or the capacity and it’s hard. So 1 thing to consider I read this in a book recently and I thought oh that’s so that’s so good to kind of split this apart.
And the book is called Burnout: The Secret To Unlocking The Stress Cycle and it was written by two sisters Emily and Amelia Nagoski. Emily has a PhD in health behavior and Amelia is a music professor and a conductor who teaches musicians how to manage stress. So you can imagine with musicians. You know the rigor of practicing and the stress of performing that can all be really stressful. So it’s cool. They’re kind of this dynamic duo and in the book they talk about the difference between the stressor itself like the thing, the circumstance, the situation that’s causing you stress. We don’t necessarily always have control over that now.
Sometimes we do have the ability to set boundaries or reduce stressors in our life. You know sometimes we have control over that, sometimes not so there’s the situation itself. But then there’s the stress. Your response to the stress is the way that you’re handling the stress so there’s a stressor and the way you’re handling it and this is where I would empower you that the way that you’re handling it. You could approach it very differently. And you can have this strategy in the book called completing the stress cycle. So instead of staying in this perpetual state of kind of fight or flight mode they talk about um, completing the stress and allowing your body to physiologically calm back down.
And that doesn’t necessarily mean that the the external stressor has completely gone away but you’re managing it differently so that I think would be a great resource for you and then the next thing here is is so you’re asking about how do we do gentle nutrition when we’re stressed out I think we need to look at how. Is gentle nutrition being defined because gentle nutrition is not just going to be this blanket thing that applies in the same way to every human and even within individuals it’s going to look different at different times in our life and under different circumstances.
So. I Think a lot of people hear gentle nutrition and they think oh I need to be eating more fruits and vegetables and I need to eat less sugar and kind of it gets kind of deity in our thinking whereas Gentle nutrition. It might mean. Making sure that you have snacks on hand so that your body has fuel in between meals and gentle nutrition might mean that those snacks need to be packaged like a protein bar or um, a trail mix or a package of cheesic crackers because you don’t have time or energy to be like them. Preparing or portioning out your own snack. You need something that’s grabbing go, that’s gentle nutrition that’s giving your body what it needs. Gentle nutrition might also mean having ah pre-made meals that you can just warm up in order to feed yourself instead of cooking.
It might mean adding in certain things, it might mean throwing in a protein shake to give yourself some additional protein if you’re having a hard time eating enough protein at your actual meals so it entails. Kind of looking at what’s going on with your eating and what’s been your typical daily pattern and are there gaps in your nutrition that you might have an opportunity to fill in and then choosing to do so. In a way that is realistic and doable under your current circumstances, that’s gentle nutrition. So I think there’s probably some mindset shifting there that would help you
Question 4: How can I pack a lunch for work that doesn’t disappoint?
Elaine asked about work. So she starts work three days a week super early and she packs her lunch the day before and sometimes by the time lunch the next day rolls around. She’s like well this is kind of disappointing. This isn’t what I wanted, this is not satisfying right now, and so she’s wondering how do you anticipate ahead of time what you’re going to want to eat and this is such a good question right? Like how do I know right now. What I’m going to want to eat for dinner later or when I’m planning my meals to get my groceries so when I sit down to plan out my dinners and order my groceries. How do I know what I want for dinner next thursday.
And it’s tricky for sure. There’s a few things that I think will help so the longer you practice intuitive eating the better. You’ll get at anticipating what types of foods will be satisfying to you later. You’ll just kind of have a sense of what you’re into like we all go through phases of things that we’re into and um, you know things that we’re wanting to eat on a regular basis at that point in time. And then you’ll also find that the longer you do this. It’s less of a big deal when you have to make do with something that’s less than satisfying because most of the time what you’re eating is satisfying. It’s not that big of a deal if you have a meal sometimes that’s just like me you know.
This was just sustenance. It wasn’t really that enjoyable. It’s okay when that happens because you’re not intentionally depriving yourself and you’re able to seek out satisfying meals and snacks at other times and so you don’t have all your eggs in this 1 basket so to speak. Another thing you could do in the meantime is when you’re packing your lunch pack more food than you think you’ll need that way like let’s say you have a sandwich. Maybe you pack a couple of different sides so that you can choose in the moment which of those sides would be most satisfying or.
If it’s possible and I know this really depends on what type of work you do where you work and what the setup is but if possible you could keep some extra food options at work. So if you have some type of locker or desk or if there’s like a break room where people can leave stuff. Maybe you could leave some. Ah, oh they have those little cups of soup that you can microwave as an alternative option or some ramen or things that you could leave in the freezer if. That’s an option like frozen meals or burritos or uncrustables. That way you have an alternative to what you packed if you’re like I’m just not feeling it. Or you could just keep a bunch of snacks at work so that you have those snacks to kind of fill in the gaps that can be really helpful.
Another question Elaine asked was about the timing. She said it’s hard because I have to eat my lunch at the designated time and so she has a break time and it’s like this is your opportunity to eat and if you don’t eat now you don’t get it. So when it comes to the timing in this situation. This would be what we call practical hunger or practical eating and what it is is recognizing that you might not be hungry for your meal right? at that moment but you also know that by the time you have another opportunity to eat. You’re going to be ravenous and miserable therefore because you’re anticipating that you need to go ahead and eat now when you have the chance in order to give your body what it needs so that you’re not uncomfortable later and.
This is one of those things that you know it kind of stinks when we have to do it. But it’s so important because that means you’re taking care of your body and what you can also work on is trying to train your body to be hungry at that predictable time. So if you know what time your lunch break is going to be each day. You can try to space your breakfast and your snacks and kind of um, gauge what you need to have at those meals and snacks and how much food based on giving yourself the chance to digest and be hungry again at lunch. So. If your lunch break is at noon you probably wouldn’t want to have a giant snack at ten or eleven because then you’re not going to be hungry at noon. So if you’re going to have a snack. Maybe you have a smaller snack or um, you know, maybe you kind of gauge what you do for breakfast so that your body is ready for lunch at that time because when we give our body these. Predictable opportunities to eat. Usually our hunger signals will sync up with that.
Question 5: Can I really do intuitive eating?
Jane asks can I really do intuitive eating? Is it actually possible and she gave a little bit of background info about that. She has been struggling with dieting and weight cycling since she was 9; she’s now in her fifties she struggles with binge eating. She has a history of trauma and that when she’s not dieting she finds herself gaining weight really quickly.
And she has some health issues. She’s worried about never finding balance with her eating, and she’s worried that if she doesn’t have the rules and the restrictions of dieting that the impulsive eating is just going to take over and that it’s going to ruin her health and I just want to say. You are not alone. This is actually a very very common scenario. In fact, I’m sure that many of you listening are like oh my gosh me too when you’ve been dieting and weight cycling since 9 years old we have to recognize that this is going to take time in order for you to heal. You’re not going to completely transform your relationship with food in nine weeks or nine months when you’ve been doing it for like 40 years and it’s realistically it’s going to take years for you to heal your relationship with food.
So you have to think more long term. It’s a marathon not a sprint and I know that that’s kind of a bummer to hear but I think it’s really really important that we are setting those realistic expectations from the get-go. In fact, one of my um, previous non-dia academy students. Reached out to me and she shared that it was so important for her to hear that from me early on because otherwise she would have felt really discouraged but she knew. Okay, it’s normal that this is taking me this long that it’s taking me years.
And she didn’t feel like oh it’s not working because it’s been six months and I’m not cured so I want you to be patient with yourself and I want you to really embrace that you’re in it for the long haul and when you’ve been going back and forth between dieting and restrictive eating. Over to binge eating and the pendulum just keeps swinging from one end to the other. It can feel really challenging to find that middle ground in between and what you said about impulsive eating taking over is really important because that is often what happens when people just say okay I’m throwing the dieting rules out the window. They’ll start eating impulsively and in their mind. That’s what intuitive eating is but intuitive eating is not just eat whatever you want whenever you want. It’s so much more than that. It’s about listening to your body. Um.
This is where structure comes in and I have a framework that I teach inside Non-d diet academy called sce so if you’re taking notes you’re going to want to write this down s stands for schedule c stands for composition and a stands for amount so instead of following dieting rules. Or just winging it and eating impulsively. We’re going to bring some structure in. We’re going to give you something that is going to help you learn how to feed your body appropriately, how to nourish yourself and how to honor your hunger fullness. And it’s going to take a minute to reconnect with all of that and to kind of recalibrate all of that because dieting has us so screwed up for our schedule. What I recommend there is eat breakfast first thing in the morning and then don’t go any longer than about three or four hours without food. You can always go shorter than that but we don’t want to go longer because that sets you up to get overly hungry ravenously hungry and to then want to inhale a whole bunch of food so we’re going to eat more frequently and consistently throughout the day and the c stands for composition. And what I mean by that is what you’re eating so instead of only eating this 1 thing that sounds good. We can think about whether I have a combination of carbohydrate protein and fat in front of me so you start with what sounds good.
And then you look at, Okay, what is that? let’s say you want um, a banana This is very random. Let’s say you want a banana and we go Okay, a banana is carbohydrate now to add some satiety to that to help it stick with you and to help keep your blood sugar Stable. What could we do for protein and fat? I personally would add some peanut butter to that banana or I would just eat a spoonful of peanut butter and when we combine that we get a snack combination that is going to stick with your body. It’s going to fuel you. It’s going to keep you going. Without sending your blood sugar up and then coming right back down and also it’s going to give you a satisfying taste and texture combination and that tends to promote more satisfying eating experiences.
And that’s so different from when we’re dieting and we’re just trying to eat the maximum quantity of the lowest calorie food. You know we’ll do things like filling up on baby carrots or rice cakes because we can eat a lot of it for just a little bit of calories but that doesn’t end up being satisfying. It doesn’t end up sticking with you. So. This ah combining the carb protein fat is very different and it’s giving your body what it needs and then a is for the amount that you’re eating in any given moment we want to be driven and determined by your body by your hunker and your fullness.
Ah, your body tells you when you are satisfied, when you are comfortably full, whenfull when you’ve had enough. This is the part where the mindful eating and the um hungerfulness part of intuitive eating comes into play so sca schedule composition amount and just to reiterate Jane’s overall question. Can I do this? Is it possible? Yes, it is possible I know this because I’ve seen it over and over again and I’ve worked with a million people just like you. So yes, it’s possible. You’ve got to be patient with yourself though and you’ve got to um. You know, utilize the tools and the support and the guidance versus just winging it. I thinkit I think sometimes that’s where people will get lost in no man’s land in between where they’re not dieting but they’re also not intuitively eating that. No man’s land in between tends to be where things really go off the rails.
Question 6: How can I overcome mental blocks?
Okay, ah last question comes from Denise she shared that she was having a challenginga challenging challenging morning and that she was proud of herself for doing the unchallenged which I had done a few weeks ago. Um, especially because she was sick during the unchallenged which was a big huge bummer but it was interesting. Because itBecause it it gave her this unique opportunity to break some food rules that she might not have been aware of otherwise. Ah so she was able to recognize that her body wanted and neededneeding carbs more so than other foods when she was sick.
And so she was eating foods that she typically wouldn’t have had because in her mind they were bad and she was able to break a bunch of food rules by honoring what her body needed when she was sick. She needed things that were just kind of bland and mild and easy to digest and so Denise showed up and challenged herself in this way. That ah, she didn’t expect was going to happen. But what? Ah what a rich learning experience and eating the carbs was self-care so it was this great way of Rewiring that and um, challenging that thought process in her mind and so Denise went on to say that she’s early in this journey. She’s going through the intuitive eating book, thebook the workbook.
Ah, she’s really being a great student of the process and she said I’m glad I signed up for the next program starting June Third she’s talking about um, stepping off the dieting roller coaster that I mentioned earlier and. She’s looking forward to that. You know she knows she’s going to need it because this morning she got on the scale and she said I know I need to throw it away. But I’m not there mentally yet. Theyet the number was up and I had to fight all of my urges to jump on the diet train. Doestrain does anybody have any suggestions?suggestions. How do you make it through mentally when you’re fighting yourself as if this isis this the right thing to do and it’s really really normal to still be questioning early on in this process whether or not this is the right thing for you.
And rightly so like you should be questioning that I don’t want you blindly jumping into things because that’s what diet culture tells us to do is just like you know, take the leap of faith and trust this solution even though it sounds really outrageous and it’s going to magically fix. Everything. We need to slow down and question these things we need to look at like what’s the evidence and the data behind it. The good news is there’s a lot of research behind intuitive eating if you want to dig into that.
Ah, if you go to the intuitive eating dot Org website. There’s a tab that says. Ah, like research studies or something to that effect and you can dig into all the literature so you should be questioning this and I think it’s also really important to look at what the data actually say on dieting because as appealing and and. As much as dieting wants to lure us back in, if we understand what the research actually says about dieting we can use that to challenge ourselves and to say as badly as I want to restrict and intentionally lose weight. I Know that that’s ultimately not going to work. That’s not going to be what happens with dieting and it will help you stay the course so you need to have a good solid understanding of that. Otherwise it’s far too easy to get pulled back into dieting you need to understand.
Why dieting doesn’t work what happens within the body Why intuitive eating is a better approach? What the research actually says about it and how intuitive eating works is because so many people think that they’re doing intuitive eating but they’re actually not doing it correctly and therefore they’re not getting the results they want from it. And that’s why it’s so great that Denise is utilizing these programs and these training sessions that I’m offering because I’m explaining all of that. In fact, that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in stepping off the dieting Roller Coaster. We’re going to look at um, you know why we have felt so compelled to dieting.
How does it make sense that we’ve tried what happens? what? what happens within your body when you’re dieting and we’re going to get really solid in your understanding of not just this general idea that diets don’t Work. We’re going to talk about exactly why I want you to understand why. And be very very clear on that so that you are solid in your understanding and your resolve against it and then we’re going to look at what exactly is intuitive eating and how does it work and how do you implement it as intended so that it is effective for you in terms of healing your relationship with food. Managing your health, healing your body image and all of the things that are possible when you’re doing it. Um, in the way that it was meant to be done So The next thing here is I would get curious about.
I’m sure you’ve all had this where you’ve gotten on the Scale. So, this isn’t just a Denise thing. So when this happens I would get curious about why you felt the need to get on the scale that day. What? What made you get on the scale and what were you hoping that was going to do for you and then to. Curious about what was the impact of seeing your weight. How did it impact your mood? What thoughts went through your head. How did it impact your thinking towards food and your body that day? How did you carry yourself just like how did you move about the world that day. What was the impact of weighing yourself? What’s that doing for you? What’s that doing to you and then also what are the stories that you’re telling yourself about weight because we are conditioned to believe that weight gain is bad. Weight loss is good and that we are failing when we’re gaining weight and we’re succeeding when we lose weight. But what if. A faulty assumption.
What if instead we learn to view weight as a neutral piece of data because at the end of the day. All it’s telling us is our gravitational pull. It’s not a measure of your character or your worthiness or your intelligence. But we treat it that way the world treats it that way. I Also question you know what? If weight is something, what if it’s a piece of information that you don’t need to know on a regular basis. You know, similar to how we don’t measure our cholesterol every day.
We don’t measure our hemoglobin a one c every day or even every week. Why do we feel the need to do that with our weight because we are told to weigh ourselves daily and even weekly. It’s not telling you that much about what’s actually going on with your weight because our weight will fluctuate on a daily basis. Your weight can fluctuate. Plus or minus £5 in one direction or the other based on things like ah fluid shifting the barometric pressure outside your digestive system. The last time you had a bowel movement like there’s so many things that can impact that and that sometimes we’re making up stories and assumptions that aren’t even true. Based on that number on the scale.
It’s messing with our heads so I would consider you to ask that question. You know, do you need this piece of information if so how often what’s it doing for you and what if it were just a neutral piece of data. What would that be like? And I know that that might feel impossible but this is a good thought experiment. It’s a good journaling exercise and I encourage you to keep finding ways to keep your head in the game. So a perfect example Denise is reading the book. She’s doing the workbook she um is doing the program. She’s taking the courses she is. Keeping engaged in this process so that she doesn’t get sucked back into diet culture and she’s got a space to come and ask questions and receive support when she’s having a hard time. So if you want to join us inside stepping off the dieting roller coaster and you’re listening to this before Maymay thirtieth.
There is still time to sign up for this inaugural launch and to have the support and the community of others inside our private Facebook group for the month of June and if you’re listening in the future you can still do the self-study version of this mini course and you can dig in right away. All the details are at nondiaacademy.com/rollercoaster so there you have it. Those were some incredible and powerful questions and I want to recap some of the key points that you can apply in your own life. We talked about eating with your kids if you’re a parent and utilizing the division of responsibility framework to help your kids grow up as intuitive eaters. We also talked about the powerful pause to check in with yourself before you eat which can be really helpful if you’re eating with your kids and it’s kind of chaotic or if you tend to be distracted when you’re eating.
We talked about food sensitivities and chronic health issues and how to navigate this within the intuitive eating framework. By viewing it as feedback and signals from your body similar to hunger and fullness signals that are guiding you towards what your body needs and this is a good example of how intuitive eating is way more than just eating whatever you want whenever you want; remember that that’s impulsive eating. Not intuitive eating: next, we talked about stress and how it absolutely can impact your appetite, your food cravings, and your capacity to do things like meal planning, cooking, and practicing gentle nutrition.
I highly recommend the book Burnout to help with this if you just look it up on Google or Amazon it’ll pop right up and we talked about redefining what gentle nutrition means under different circumstances and 1 key thing to remember with gentle nutrition is that it will change based on the context of your situation. We also talked about planning ahead and having plenty of options on hand so you have choices and practical eating and practical hunger and giving your body fuel when you have the opportunity, and that’s an act of self-care.
And then we covered the se framework to help you with structure and reconnecting with your body and the importance of having ongoing support and guidance on this journey so that was a lot I know and my hope is that you’ll take 1 thing. 1 thing that you learned today and that you’ll apply it. That’s how you make progress, one step at a time. It’s not about making giant, sweeping changes. That’s basically a diet mentality. It’s about making small, sustainable changes and being gentle and patient with yourself. So. That’s all for today. Thank you so much for listening. I want you to shoot me a Dm on Instagram if you have questions or if you want to share your aha moments from this episode, and I would love it if you took a screenshot and put it in your stories and tag me in it.
Because this type of sharing inspires other people to listen and I so appreciate it when you help me grow this show so take care and we will talk again soon.
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