Eating Disorders


You'd think as a dietitian I'd be living and breathing everything nutrition at this point….and I'm not.  In fact, as my path has led me to the field of eating disorders I spend most of my time telling people to chill the @$%^ out about food, nutrition and health. When most people think about nutrition […]

Chill the @$%^ out

Why is it that we find ourselves turning to food when stressed or upset?   And why is it that we turn to the "bad" foods in these instances? As infants we are soothed with food.  Baby cries -> caregiver thinks, Baby might be hungry -> caregiver offers milk.  And the act of being held and […]

Why “bad” foods become soothing

Recovery isn't easy.  Ask anyone who has suffered from an eating disorder, supported a loved one with an eating disorder, or a clinician who treats eating disorders.  We can all tell you about the multitude of challenges and the painfully slow pace of the process.   The same advice over and over again As someone […]

3 Ways to Work Smarter (Instead of Harder) in Recovery

Finding your personal power within

Easter candy, joy, and recovery

“How many calories per day do I need?”


Find peace with food, and within yousrelf

I’ve learned that most of the world around us doesn’t “get it” when it comes to having a healthy relationship with food. Even health professionals like doctors and other dietitians often give misguided advice, making health and recovery a challenge.  

I love helping people uncover what it is about their bodies and about their eating that they are struggling with, and help them heal - using a non-diet approach. 

"non-diet" dietitian and expert on eating disorders & body image issues

Meet  Katy!

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