Body Image


I had this question twice this week from clients as we discussed the ineffectiveness of diets and restrictive eating. My answer: brilliant marketing coupled with our insecurities.   The facts: A person can lose weight on almost any diet – Weight Watchers, Slim 4 Life, the cabbage soup diet, the cookie diet, your own made […]

“If diets don’t work then why do people keep doing them?”

I got an ad in the mail today for a gym, promising results (i.e. weight loss) for anyone who would join. Here's what you're really getting with your membership: A shaming "health" assessment where you are told your BMI, body fat % and other nonsensical numbers that make you feel like crap. A restrictive diet from […]

Repost: Results Guaranteed

This was one of my first ever blog posts.  I was thumbing back through them, and this one is still near and dear to my heart because it continues to resonate so much.  As the new year approaches, consider letting go of resolutions that are about controlling your eating, exercise or body.  And please, I'm […]

Repost: Everything I need to know about body image I learned from my dog

If weight didn’t matter

A dangerous assumption

Exercise: Transforming it from a chore into an artful form of self-respect

Game changer: Tweaking your social media feeds

Find peace with food, and within yousrelf

I’ve learned that most of the world around us doesn’t “get it” when it comes to having a healthy relationship with food. Even health professionals like doctors and other dietitians often give misguided advice, making health and recovery a challenge.  

I love helping people uncover what it is about their bodies and about their eating that they are struggling with, and help them heal - using a non-diet approach. 

"non-diet" dietitian and expert on eating disorders & body image issues

Meet  Katy!

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