Helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

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I want you to finally have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve. And the joy that comes from accepting where your weight lands as a result of this.

How to Handle Weight Gain (or the fear of it) with Intuitive Eating

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Welcome back to Rebuilding Trust With Your Body, I’m Katy Harvey your host. Today on the show we are going to talk about ways you can legitimately improve your health, without dieting. Diet culture has led us to believe that in order to get healthier we need to be cutting out certain foods, drinking a bunch of green smoothies, and always focusing on weight loss in order to improve our health. All of that is nonsense, and often backfires and damages health, so what are you supposed to do if you’ve decided you’re not dieting anymore, you’re not cutting out food groups, and you’re not fixating on weight loss?

Want Better Health (Without Dieting)? Build These 3 Habits Now


If you’re struggling with binge eating, you most likely have been caught in the diet-binge cycle. Here’s how dieting and bingeing are deeply interconnected (and how you can break free!) Here’s the thing: the process of trying to control your food, or “be good,” or eat “clean,” or stay within a calorie range is exhausting. […]

The Diet-Binge Cycle: How to Break the Vicious Cycle of Dieting and Binging

Eating Disorders

Yesterday I featured an overview of the Principles of Intuitive Eating. Today we're taking a closer look at the 1st Principle: Reject the Diet Mentality. Diets don't work. 95% of people who go on a diet regain the weight they lost (if they lost any to begin with), and often they rebound at a higher […]

Ditching the diet mentality


I got an ad in the mail today for a gym, promising results (i.e. weight loss) for anyone who would join. Here's what you're really getting with your membership: A shaming "health" assessment where you are told your BMI, body fat % and other nonsensical numbers that make you feel like crap. A restrictive diet from […]

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Discover these surprisingly simple ways to ease into intuitive eating, so that you can stop stressing about your eating (and your weight), and have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve.

Proven Strategies to Transform Your Relationship With Food

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