Helping you find peace with food - and within yourself.

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I want you to finally have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve. And the joy that comes from accepting where your weight lands as a result of this.

How to Handle Weight Gain (or the fear of it) with Intuitive Eating

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"You shouldn't eat that, it will make you fat."  "Why aren't you eating more vegetables?  You know they're healthy for you." "I can't believe you ate that much." The inner food critic can be so harsh.  It bullies you into Stockholm syndrome.  You start to believe it.  But the inner food critic isn't your ally.  […]

Stockholm syndrome

Intuitive Eating

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Discover these surprisingly simple ways to ease into intuitive eating, so that you can stop stressing about your eating (and your weight), and have the peace and freedom with food that you deserve.

Proven Strategies to Transform Your Relationship With Food

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