

It doesn't take much to be sucked into nutrition, health and wellness headlines.  The writers are ninjas at getting us to click on their content, and they'll go to whatever lengths necessary to capture our attention.   Which headline are you more likely to click on? "Study shows that eating when hungry, stopping when full, is […]

Are you thinking about food too much?

I wrote this a couple of years ago and decided to repost it because it is so relevant….   If you believe eating a food is going to make you feel bad (physically or emotionally), it probably will. The mind is a powerful thing.  Studies show that believing something is going to happen increases the […]

Repost: Confirmation bias

Each of us has a certain emotional bandwidth of what we can handle on a day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year basis.  When our bandwidth is maxed out we feel overwhelmed.  The temptation is to check out and avoid.  Some of us get paralyzed and incapacitated, while others go-go-go trying to task-master their way out of […]

Emotional bandwidth

“If diets don’t work then why do people keep doing them?”

No single food will make you unhealthy

3 ways to beat the January blues

15 Books I wish I had read sooner in my life

Find peace with food, and within yousrelf

I’ve learned that most of the world around us doesn’t “get it” when it comes to having a healthy relationship with food. Even health professionals like doctors and other dietitians often give misguided advice, making health and recovery a challenge.  

I love helping people uncover what it is about their bodies and about their eating that they are struggling with, and help them heal - using a non-diet approach. 

"non-diet" dietitian and expert on eating disorders & body image issues

Meet  Katy!

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